Coming soon - SPARK an online movement class via Marvelous platform

Strong Girl Summer

I’m choosing to bust through the mental mindset that 304lbs for the past twenty years is as low as I can go.

Now, I’m at 301lbs and closing in on getting under 300lbs.

Take that prolactin hormone, hormone imbalance and growth on my pituitary gland that started this whole thing for me.

No matter what started your weight gain know that I am here to listen. Find me on Instagram or Facebook and reach out!

Can I get a strong girl summer? Check out my podcast with Aqua Zumba Instructor Leona Pineo!

Yours in health, Tara

Tara C. MacDonald

I’m Tara MacDonald. I’m a curvy, fun, body-positive coach and personal trainer. I love business and fitness. Join my monthly newsletter and I will help equip you with the tools you need to be a rock star in fitness.

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